Did I mention that I'm my human's muse? This photo of me gave her an idea. She said something about that framed art print against the wall. I say, if I hadn't been so photogenic, she would never have seen whatever she saw.
Published Short Stories

"Since You Went Away" in Shades of Black: Crime and Mystery Stories by African-American Writers, Eleanor Taylor Bland, ed. (2005)
"In Her Fashion" in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, July 2014
Frankie reading her Lizzie Stuart short story "In Her Fashion," published in the July 2014 issue of Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine.
"The Singapore Sling Affair" in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, Nov-Dec 2017
"The Birth of the Bronze Buckaroo" in The Adventures of the Bronze Buckaroo (2018)
"Eel's Blood" in Down to the River, Tim O'Mara, ed. (2019)
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